Monday, September 16


Serena Hotels Supports Young Female Talent with “Tee to Triumph” Golf Training Programme

Serena Hotels Supports Young Female Talent with “Tee to Triumph” Golf Training Programme

Serena Hotels proudly tees off the second season of the two-week "Tee to Triumph" golf training programme for young girls, under the Sports Diplomacy Initiative. This initiative, in collaboration with the Margalla Greens Golf Club, aims to provide these aspiring golfers with a platform to learn and improve their skills in a sport that is both challenging and rewarding. The training programme, currently underway at the scenic Margalla Greens Golf Club, is attracting enthusiastic participation from over 25 young girls. They are being trained under the expert supervision of the club's coaches. The programme will conclude on August 1, 2024, with a closing ceremony. The participants have expressed their gratitude to Serena Hotels and Margalla Greens Golf Club for their unwavering support ...
Pakistan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister  held talks with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

Pakistan Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister held talks with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Senator Mohammad Ishaq Dar held talks with Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers and Minister for Foreign Affairs of Turkmenistan Rashid Meredov on a range of bilateral areas of cooperation and regional and global issues of mutual concern. They agreed to further strengthen bilateral cooperation and enhance high level dialogue and exchanges at the leadership level.   Editor: Kamran Raja
Reverie of Highlands” by Gaynor Shaw Launched at Islamabad Serena Hotel

Reverie of Highlands” by Gaynor Shaw Launched at Islamabad Serena Hotel

Serena Hotels, under the banner of Cultural Diplomacy, hosted the book launch of "Reverie of Highlands" by Gaynor Shaw at the Islamabad Serena Hotel. The event celebrated Shaw's journey through the northern regions of Pakistan, capturing the enchanting landscapes, vibrant culture, and resilient people through her lens as an artist and photographer. The book launch was attended by diplomats, cultural patrons, tourism enthusiasts, and members of the literary community, making it a significant cultural event. Gaynor Shaw, the wife of former Australian High Commissioner to Pakistan Dr. Geoffrey Shaw, has artfully documented her experiences and insights in this compelling book. "Reverie of Highlands" is a tribute to the beauty and diversity of Pakistan's northern areas, reflecting her deep c...
Deputy Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Pakistan, Van Nguyen called on Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change MNA Romina Khurshid Alam.
Climate Change, Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS

Deputy Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Pakistan, Van Nguyen called on Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change MNA Romina Khurshid Alam.

Pakistan Prime Minister aide Romina Khurshid lauds UNDP-Pakistan’s financial, technical support for tackling climate risks Deputy Resident Representative for the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Pakistan, Van Nguyen called on Coordinator to Prime Minister on Climate Change MNA Romina Khurshid Alam. During the meeting held here at the M/o Climate Change and Environmental Coordination, both sides discussed at length the matters related to the climate risk mitigation, climate finance for adaptation and mitigation measures, agriculture insurance, urban flood resilience. The senior UNDP-Pakistan official Van Nguyen also briefed the PM’s aide about the Global Shield against Climate Risks initiative, saying the new global funding mechanism aims to close protection gaps in clima...
پشاور ٹینس کی تاریخ میں پہلی بار وہیل چیئر ٹینس کوچنگ سرگرمی کا پشاور سپورٹس کمپلیکس قیوم سٹیڈیم پشاور خیبر پختونخواہ میں افتتاح ہوا۔
Latest, SPORTS NEWS, پاکستان ٹائمز

پشاور ٹینس کی تاریخ میں پہلی بار وہیل چیئر ٹینس کوچنگ سرگرمی کا پشاور سپورٹس کمپلیکس قیوم سٹیڈیم پشاور خیبر پختونخواہ میں افتتاح ہوا۔

پشاور ٹینس کی تاریخ میں پہلی بار وہیل چیئر ٹینس کوچنگ سرگرمی کا پشاور سپورٹس کمپلیکس قیوم سٹیڈیم پشاور خیبر پختونخواہ میں افتتاح ہوا۔ پاکستان ٹینس فیڈریشن کے نائب صدر محمد خالد رحمانی کے مطابق، پی ٹی ایف نے کراچی، میرپورخاص اور پشاور میں تین طویل دورانیے کے وہیل چیئر ٹینس کوچنگ کیمپس منعقد کرنے کا منصوبہ بنایا ہے۔ کراچی اور میرپورخاص میں گزشتہ ہفتے کیمپوں کا افتتاح کیا گیا۔ تینوں کیمپ پاکستان ٹینس فیڈریشن کے زیراہتمام اور انٹرنیشنل ٹینس فیڈریشن کے وہیل چیئر ٹینس ڈویلپمنٹ پروگرام کے تحت منعقد کیے جا رہے ہیں ۔ رحمانی نے مزید کہا کہ یہ انتہائی قابل تعریف ہے کہ جناب عمر ایاز، نائب صدر کے پی ٹینس ایسوسی ایشن نے افتتاحی دن 40 وہیل چیئر ٹینس کھلاڑیوں (22 مرد اور 18 خواتین) کو اکٹھا کیا۔ مہمان خصوصی وزیر کھیل خیبرپختونخوا فخر جہاں باچا اور حاجی ملک عمر دراز خلیل نے وہیل چیئر اقدام پروگرام ک...
Grand event at UNESCO Headquarters Paris
Climate Change, Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS

Grand event at UNESCO Headquarters Paris

Grand event at UNESCO Headquarters Paris, focusing on climate change and glacial melting co-hosted by Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad & Luc Hardy explorer, environmentalist, filmmaker & entrepreneur. Premier screening of film "Ice Giants: Discovering the Karakorum" followed by a panel discussion with top names in the field - Valerie Masson-Delmotte, paleoclimatologist, Patrick Wagnon, glaciologist, Fanny Brun, glaciologist with Luc Hardy and animated by François Carrel. A full house comprising diplomats, researchers, academicians, think tanks, environmentalists media and general public engrossed by the captivating documentary and discussion with experts - creating greater awareness about the global climate crisis, its impact on populations and ecosystems, and the urgency of colle...
تھانہ انڈسٹریل ایریا پولیس کی کاروائی، اپنے آپ کو سرکاری ملازم ظاہر کرکےسادہ لوح شہریوں کو لوٹنے کی وارداتوں میں ملوث تین رکنی گینگ گرفتار،
Latest, پاکستان ٹائمز

تھانہ انڈسٹریل ایریا پولیس کی کاروائی، اپنے آپ کو سرکاری ملازم ظاہر کرکےسادہ لوح شہریوں کو لوٹنے کی وارداتوں میں ملوث تین رکنی گینگ گرفتار،

تھانہ انڈسٹریل ایریا پولیس کی کاروائی، اپنے آپ کو سرکاری ملازم ظاہر کرکےسادہ لوح شہریوں کو لوٹنے کی وارداتوں میں ملوث تین رکنی گینگ گرفتار، گرفتار ملزمان کے قبضہ سے وارداتوں میں استعمال ہونے والی گاڑی اور اسلحہ معہ ایمو یشن برآمد ۔ گرفتار ملزمان کی شناخت سردار علی خان، مانی گل اور شہزادہ محمد اسماعیل کے نام سے ہوئی،جبکہ ملزم مانی گل تھانہ ترنول کے قتل کے مقدمہ میں مطلوب اشتہاری مجرم بھی ہے. ملزمان متعدد وارداتوں میں سابقہ ریکارڈ یافتہ ہیں، ملزمان کو ٹھوس شواہد کے ساتھ چالان عدالت کرکے قرار واقعی سزادلوائی جائے گی،ڈی آئی جی اسلام آباد سید علی رضا کا کہنا ہےکہ  شہریوں کو ان کے قیمتی اثاثے سے محروم کرنے والے ملزمان قانون کی گرفت سے نہیں بچ سکتے   Sub Editor: Ghufran...
Federal Minister for Interior and Anti-Norcotics Mohsin Naqvi Attends Nimaz-e-Janaza of ANF Martyrs in Jhelum Cantt

Federal Minister for Interior and Anti-Norcotics Mohsin Naqvi Attends Nimaz-e-Janaza of ANF Martyrs in Jhelum Cantt

Federal Minister for Interior and Anti-Norcotics Mohsin Naqvi Attends Nimaz-e-Janaza of ANF Martyrs in Jhelum Cantt Federal Minister for Interior and Anti-Norcotics Mohsin Naqvi attended the funeral prayer of the Anti-Narcotics Force (ANF) personnel, Muhammad Gulzar, Mazhar Iqbal, and Zeeshan, who were martyred in a firing incident by drug traffickers at Tarkai Toll Plaza Jhelum. The Interior Minister met with the families of the martyrs and offered heartfelt condolences. He prayed for the elevation of the martyrs' ranks and for the patience of their loved ones. Mohsin Naqvi stated that the martyrs who have laid down their lives in the line of duty are our true heroes. While paying rich tribute to the martyrs, he said that their sacrifices would not go in vain. The funeral pray...
The Pakistan National Football Team is set to play final match of FIFA World Cup Qualifier Round 2 against Tajikistan

The Pakistan National Football Team is set to play final match of FIFA World Cup Qualifier Round 2 against Tajikistan

Pakistan National Football team faces travel disruption. The Pakistan National Football Team is set to play its final away match of the FIFA World Cup Qualifier Round 2 against Tajikistan on June 11 in Dushanbe, Tajikistan. However, the team’s travel schedule has faced significant disruptions due to unforeseen circumstances. A private airline flight, initially scheduled to transport the team, was canceled following a bird strike incident, causing two delays before the eventual cancellation. As a result, the Pakistan Football Federation (PFF) has reached out to Pakistan International Airlines (PIA) for a chartered flight. Despite ongoing communications, the PFF has yet to receive a positive response from PIA authorities. Currently, 8 out of the 35-member squad have arrived in Taji...
Pakistan joined the OIC member states to pay rich tribute to late President of Iran
Latest, United Nation (UN)

Pakistan joined the OIC member states to pay rich tribute to late President of Iran

Pakistan joined the OIC member states to pay rich tribute to late President of Iran, Dr. Ebrahim Raisi, for his dedication to the central cause of the restoration of the inalienable rights of the Palestinians & the protection of the sanctity of holy mosque of Al-Quds Sharif. Making a statement on behalf of the OIC in a special UN General Assembly session held to pay tribute to the memory of the late President of Iran, Amb. Munir Akram lauded President Raisi for his leadership, wisdom & consensus politics & stated that with the consistent support of other OIC leaders, the Organisation has become stronger, more cohesive and an effective force for the promotion of global peace, security and prosperity. He credited the late President Raisi for his contribution to the socio-econo...