Monday, October 21


نیلی سڑکیں سورج کی شعاعوں کو منعکس کرتی ہیں اور سطح کے درجہ حرارت کو 15 سے 20 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ تک کم کرتی ہیں
Latest, WORLD, پاکستان ٹائمز

نیلی سڑکیں سورج کی شعاعوں کو منعکس کرتی ہیں اور سطح کے درجہ حرارت کو 15 سے 20 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ تک کم کرتی ہیں

ماحولیاتی ماہرین کا کہنا ھے کہ یہ مُعاملہ دن کی گرمیوں میں گاڑیوں کے پہیوں کو نسبتاً ٹھنڈا اور درجۂ حرارت کو بہتر بنانے میں معاون و مددگار جبکہ رات کے وقت بہتر روشنی کا امکان فراہم کرے گا تحقیق کرنے والوں کیلئے اک نیا دریچہ کُھل گیا رپورٹ کے مطابق قطر کی یہ نیلی سڑکیں ایک خاص مواد سے بنی ہیں اس کوٹنگ میں گرمی کی عکاسی کرنے والے روغن اور سیرامک مائکرو اسپیئرز شامل ہیں جو سورج کی شعاعوں کو منعکس کرتی ہیں اور سطح کے درجہ حرارت کو 15 سے 20 ڈگری سینٹی گریڈ تک کم کرتی ہیں اس مواد سے ہونے والی ٹھنڈک کا آس پاس کی عمارتوں اور پیدل چلنے والوں پر بھی اثر پڑتا ہے گھرے رنگ کی اسفالٹ سڑکیں سورج سے گرمی جذب کرتی ہیں، جس کی وجہ سے وہ چلنے یا گاڑی چلانے کے لیے خاص طور پر گرم موسم میں بہت گرم ہو جاتی ہیں جب کہ نیلا پینٹ سورج کی روشنی کو منعکس کرتا ہے، جو سڑکوں کو ٹھنڈا رکھنے میں مدد کرتا ہے   S...
لبنان اوراسرائیل کی سرحد پر کشیدگی جاری ہے۔ اسرائیلی فوج اور حزب اللہ کے ارکان کے درمیان پرتشدد جھڑپیں جاری ہیں۔
Latest, WORLD, پاکستان ٹائمز

لبنان اوراسرائیل کی سرحد پر کشیدگی جاری ہے۔ اسرائیلی فوج اور حزب اللہ کے ارکان کے درمیان پرتشدد جھڑپیں جاری ہیں۔

زمین پر ہونے والی تازہ ترین پیش رفت میں اسرائیلی فوج نے ایک بیان میں حزب اللہ کے طیبہ کے علاقے کے کمانڈر محمد حسین رمل کے قتل کا اعلان کیا۔ اس کے علاوہ ساتویں بریگیڈ کی جنگی ٹیم کی فورسز نے شمالی اسرائیل پر داغنے کے لیے تیار لانچرز کو تباہ *اس سے قبل لبنانی حزب اللہ نے اعلان کیا تھا کہ اس نے جنوبی لبنان کے قصبے عیتا الشعب کے نزدیک اور جنوبی قصبے کفر کلا کے مضافات میں اسرائیلی فوجیوں کے اجتماعات کو توپ خانے کے گولوں سے نشانہ بنایا ہے۔ حزب اللہ نے ایک بیان میں کہا ہے کہ "اس نے ایک بڑے میزائل لانچر کے ذریعے عیتا الشعب قصبے کے آس پاس میں اسرائیلی دشمن کے فوجیوں کے ایک اجتماع کو نشانہ بنایا"۔ ایک دوسرے بیان میں حزب اللہ نے اعلان کیا کہ اس نے "دوسری باراسرائیلی دشمن فوجیوں کے ایک اجتماع کو عیتا الشعب قصبے کے نزدیک اس وقت نشانہ بنایا جب وہ ایک بڑے میزائل بیراج کے ذریعے زخمی اور ہلاک ہونے والے...
Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad visited Asia NOW a leading Paris art fair
Latest, WORLD

Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad visited Asia NOW a leading Paris art fair

Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad visited Asia NOW a leading Paris art fair. Captivating art work of 14 Pakistani artists was showcased under the umbrella of 'O Art Space' art gallery from Lahore. Titled "Chronicles Bound" it celebrates the artists who are integral to Pakistan contemporary art scene. Ambassador met Omar Nabi, R.M. Naeem & Waseem Ahmad and organizers - terrific, unique & high quality creations of Pakistani artists on display.   Sub Editor: Ghufran
UNESCO Unanimously Adopts Pakistan-led Resolution
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UNESCO Unanimously Adopts Pakistan-led Resolution

UNESCO Unanimously Adopts Pakistan-led Resolution on “Countering Disinformation for the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information” Co-sponsored by more than 50 Member States, Pakistan-led resolution entitled “Countering Disinformation for the Promotion and Protection of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information” was unanimously adopted today at the 220th Session of the UNESCO Executive Board, currently underway in Paris. Pakistan took this initiative against the backdrop of proliferation and intensification of disinformation, misinformation and hate speech around the world. Disinformation is one of the most pressing challenges of our time, which is exacerbated by the rapid evolution of digital platforms and communication technologies. Th...
7th Meet of Pakistan-KSA Bilateral Defence Industrial Forum was held at Riyadh, KSA
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7th Meet of Pakistan-KSA Bilateral Defence Industrial Forum was held at Riyadh, KSA

Riyadh, 10 Oct 2024: Pakistan tri services delegation was led by Lt Gen Muhammad Avais Dastgir, CGS Pak Army, whereas, H.E. Engr Talal Bin Abdullah Al Otaibi, Assistant Defence Minister led the the Saudi Arabian side. During the meeting, CGS affirmed Pakistan’s continuing support towards capacity building of Royal Saudi Defence Forces. The dignitary from KSA acknowledged Pakistan’s achievements and sacrifices in war against terrorism and its valuable contributions towards regional peace and stability. The forum discussed challenges to global and regional security and their implications on Defence Forces. Forum noted that rapid advancements in modern technologies necessitated further enhancing defence industrial cooperation in critical capabilities between the two brotherly count...
Latest, WORLD


Karachi, 12 Oct 24: US Navy Ship USS O' Kane visited Karachi and participated in a bilateral exercise at North Arabian sea with Pakistan Navy Ship BABUR. The exercise was aimed to enhance interoperability and demonstrate PN-USN resolve towards regional maritime peace. During the visit, Commanding Officer of USS O' Kane met Commander Pakistan Fleet Rear Admiral Abdul Munib to discuss matters pertaining to interoperability of both Navies and tactical proficiency in Maritime Operations. The visit and bilateral exercise reflect Pakistan Navy's commitment towards regional peace, stability and maritime order in collaboration with seasoned global partners. These collaborations have proved befitting in countering menace of terrorism, piracy, narcotics and human trafficking in the regi...
State of Palestine condemns the systematic Israeli targeting of Secretary-General of the United Nations, and considering him an undesirable person
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State of Palestine condemns the systematic Israeli targeting of Secretary-General of the United Nations, and considering him an undesirable person

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Expatriates of the State of Palestine condemns the systematic Israeli targeting of Mr. Antonio Guterres, Secretary-General of the United Nations, and considering him an undesirable person, and stresses that undesirable persons are human rights violators and Israeli war criminals, not the head of the most important international institution concerned with human rights, international peace and security. The Ministry considers these practices to be organized state terrorism practiced by Israel, the illegal occupying power, against international organizations and figures, and international figures such as the Secretary-General of the United Nations, and all workers in international law institutions, special rapporteurs, international committees and invest...
Statement by (Right of Reply) by Muhammad Faheem Third Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN In response to Indian External Affairs Minister’s comments in UNGA
Latest, United Nation (UN), WORLD

Statement by (Right of Reply) by Muhammad Faheem Third Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN In response to Indian External Affairs Minister’s comments in UNGA

Mr. President, I am taking the floor to respond to the remarks delivered by the Minister for External Affairs of India earlier today. It is most ironic that India, which is committing the worst form of state terrorism in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, while also actively engaging in sponsoring terrorism abroad, is portraying itself as the victim. It is a familiar ploy of all occupiers and colonisers to paint legitimate struggles for freedom and liberation as terrorism. India is failing to grasp the enormity of the indigenous Kashmiri resistance against its stranglehold, and wrongly blaming it on cross-border terrorism. It must introspect and reflect, and immediately implement the Security Council resolutions which provide for the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination. ...
Ministerial Meeting of the Quadripartite Group (Pakistan, China, Iran, Russia) on Afghanistan
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Ministerial Meeting of the Quadripartite Group (Pakistan, China, Iran, Russia) on Afghanistan

Defense Minister H.E. Khawaja Muhammad Asif participated in the 3rd Ministerial Meeting of the Quadrilateral Group of Pakistan, China, Iran and Russia that took place on the margins of the 79th UN General Assembly session in New York on 27th September 2024. The meeting discussed the situation in Afghanistan and efforts for the promotion of peace, security and stability in Afghanistan. The participants of the meeting expressed concern over the security challenges emanating from the territory of Afghanistan, particularly the terrorism threat and called on the Afghan interim government to fight terrorism and eliminate all terrorist groups and prevent Afghan territory from being used against its neighbors, the region and beyond. The meeting also emphasized the importance of engagement wi...
United Nations Secretary-General meets with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in New York
Latest, United Nation (UN), WORLD

United Nations Secretary-General meets with Prime Minister Shehbaz Sharif in New York

Islamabad, 25 September 2024 - United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres met with H.E. Mr. Muhammad Shehbaz Sharif, Prime Minister of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan, in New York yesterday 24 September, as world leaders are gathered for the 79th UN General Assembly. The Secretary-General expressed appreciation for Pakistan’s support for the work of the United Nations, including UN peacekeeping operations. The Secretary-General and the Prime Minister exchanged views on developments in the region, including Afghanistan and the Middle East, and on other issues of common concern. Editor: Kamran Raja