Wednesday, March 12

United Nation (UN)

At UN Pakistan Advocates for Inclusive Social Development
Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS, United Nation (UN)

At UN Pakistan Advocates for Inclusive Social Development

United Nations, February 11, 2025( Nosheen Raja): Pakistan has said that developing countries’ efforts for inclusive social development are being stymied by the lack of the financial and structural resources in their pursuit of the 2030 Agenda. Making a statement during the general debate on the 63rd Session on the Commission on Social Development today, Ambassador Asim Iftikhar Ahmad, Pakistan’s Alternate Permanent Representative to the UN, said that as evidenced by the Secretary General’s report, the core commitments contained in Copenhagen Declaration largely remained unfulfilled even after three decades since the holding of World Summit for Social Development. He said that the number of extremely poor was estimated at 692 million globally with around 65% of the world population l...
او آئی سی رابطہ گروپ برائے جموں و کشمیر سمیت مقررین کا کشمیریوں کے حق خودارادیت کی حمایت کا اعادہ
Latest, United Nation (UN), پاکستان ٹائمز

او آئی سی رابطہ گروپ برائے جموں و کشمیر سمیت مقررین کا کشمیریوں کے حق خودارادیت کی حمایت کا اعادہ

اقوام متحدہ، 5 فروری 2025(کامران راجہ): اقوام متحدہ میں پاکستان کے مستقل مشن اور نیویارک میں پاکستان کے قونصلیٹ جنرل کے زیر اہتمام "کشمیری عوام کے لیے حق خودارادیت کے وعدے کو زندہ رکھنا" کے عنوان سے کشمیر یکجہتی دن کی تقریب منعقد کی گئی، جس میں مقررین نے کشمیری عوام کی حق خودارادیت کی جدوجہد کے لیے اپنی غیر متزلزل حمایت کا اعادہ کیا۔ مقررین نے اس دیرینہ تنازعے کے حل پر زور دیا جو اقوام متحدہ کی سلامتی کونسل کی متعلقہ قراردادوں اور کشمیری عوام کی خواہشات کے مطابق ہونا چاہیے۔ یہ تقریب نیویارک میں واقع سفارت خانے کی عمارت میں منعقد ہوئی، جس میں او آئی سی رابطہ گروپ برائے کشمیر کے ارکان، طلبہ، ماہرین تعلیم، صحافی، کشمیری و پاکستانی کمیونٹی کے افراد شریک ہوئے۔ تقریب سے خطاب کرنے والوں میں اقوام متحدہ میں پاکستان کے مستقل مندوب سفیر منیر اکرم، وزیر برائے اعلیٰ تعلیم آزاد جموں و کشمیر ظفر اقب...
Speakers including OIC Contact Group on Jammu & Kashmir Voice Support For Kashmiris’ Right to Self-Determination
Latest, United Nation (UN), WORLD

Speakers including OIC Contact Group on Jammu & Kashmir Voice Support For Kashmiris’ Right to Self-Determination

United Nations, February 5, 2025( Kamran Raja): Speakers at the Kashmir Solidarity Day event titled “Keeping the Promise of Self-Determination Alive for the People of Jammu and Kashmir”, hosted jointly by the Permanent Mission of Pakistan to the UN and the Consulate General of Pakistan in New York, reaffirmed their steadfast support for Kashmiris in their struggle for right to self-determination. They emphatically called for the resolution of the longstanding dispute in line with the relevant Security Council resolutions and the aspirations of Kashmiri people. The event held at the chancery building in New York brought together members of the OIC Contact Group on Kashmir, students, academics, journalists and the members of the Kashmiri diaspora community and overseas Pakistanis. ...
More than 500 Pakistani women have served as peacekeepers in various UN missions
Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS, United Nation (UN), Videos

More than 500 Pakistani women have served as peacekeepers in various UN missions

Jean-Pierre François Renaud Lacroix, Under-Secretary-General for Peace Operations during visiting Islamabad interacted with the Journalist covering UN. UN Peacekeeping is the largest and most visible representation of the United Nations. Over 235,000 Pakistani UN peacekeepers, both men and women, have served in 48 UN peacekeeping missions, with Pakistan consistently retaining the position of one of the top troop-contributing countries at the UN. To date, 181 Pakistani peacekeepers have made the ultimate sacrifice in the line of duty, protecting civilians and upholding the UN peacekeeping mandates in the process. More than 500 Pakistani women have served as peacekeepers in various UN missions. Pakistan was also one of the first countries to achieve the UN’s deployment goal of 15% fem...
UN Day and Pakistan Contribution to UN
Climate Change, Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS, United Nation (UN), Videos

UN Day and Pakistan Contribution to UN

  Since its inception, Pakistan has been an active and committed member of the United Nations, embodying the principles of multilateralism, diplomacy, and international, Cooperation. The theme The Future We Want the UN We Need Reaffirming Our Collective Commitments to Multilateralism" resonates deeply with Pakistan’s foreign policy, which is rooted in the principles of cooperation, peace, and sustainable development. In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, Pakistan recognizes the importance of global solidarity to achieve the goals of peace, security and prosperity for all. Pakistan's most significant contributions to the UN is its longstanding role in peacekeeping operations. As one of the largest troops contributing country, Pakistan has been involved in var...
United Nations Celebrates UN Day in Pakistan
Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS, United Nation (UN)

United Nations Celebrates UN Day in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, October 23rd , 2024: Marks the 79 Anniversary of the United Nations. It officially came into being with the ratification of the UN Charter by Member States on 24 October 1945. Pakistan joined the UN two years later, inaugurating a nearly eight-decades long strong relationship. UN Day, celebrated every year, offers the opportunity to reaffirm the purposes and principles of the UN Charter that have guided the world for nearly eight decades This Saturday, the United Nations in Pakistan is inviting the public to join a family-oriented event that will celebrate “UN Day” at the Pakistan National Council of the Arts (PNCA) in Islamabad on Saturday 26th afternoon. The UN and Pakistan share a decades-long history. Several Pakistanis were instrumental to the development of...
Pakistan, speak for 80 countries, says issues like Xinjiang, Hongkong and Xizang are China’s internal matters
Latest, United Nation (UN), WORLD

Pakistan, speak for 80 countries, says issues like Xinjiang, Hongkong and Xizang are China’s internal matters

  UNITED NATIONS, 23 Oct 2024 New York : Pakistan, on behalf of 80 countries, told a UN panel Tuesday that Xinjiang, Hongkong and Xizang related issues are China's internal affairs, and called for respect for the country's sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity. We oppose politicization of human rights and double standards, or interference in States' internal affairs under the pretext of human rights, Ambassador Mnir Akram, permanent representative of Pakistan to the UN, said as he delivered a joint statement in the general debate on human rights issues held by the General Assembly's Third Committee which deals with social. cultural and humanitarian issues. Respect for sovereignty, independence and territorial integrity of states and non-interference in inter...
Pakistan Presents Its Second Periodic Report on ICCPR to UN Human Rights Committee
Latest, PAKISTAN NEWS, United Nation (UN)

Pakistan Presents Its Second Periodic Report on ICCPR to UN Human Rights Committee

October 18, 2024 : The Government of Pakistan has presented its Second Periodic Report on the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) to the United Nations Human Rights Committee during its 142nd session in Geneva on October 17-18, 2024. The review process, which was broadcasted live on UN Web TV, was accessible to the public, member states, and civil society organizations, allowing global audiences to observe the proceedings. The Pakistani delegation, led by Malik Muhammad Ahmad Khan, Speaker of the Punjab Assembly, included key officials such as Malik Ahmed Bherth, Minister for Law & Parliamentary Affairs, Punjab; Mr. Allah Dino Khowaja, Secretary of Human Rights; and Mr. Muhammad Arshad, Director General (IC). The Human Rights Committee, composed of 18 i...