Tuesday, February 4

Tag: the pakistan times official

یورپی یونین نے پاکستان کو مزید 100 ملین یورو گرانٹ کی سپورٹ کا اعلان
Latest, پاکستان ٹائمز

یورپی یونین نے پاکستان کو مزید 100 ملین یورو گرانٹ کی سپورٹ کا اعلان

یورپی یونین کی سفیر رینا کیونکا اور وزارت اقتصادی امور کے سیکرٹری ڈاکٹر کاظم نیاز کے پانچ گرانٹ معاہدوں پر دستخط. گرانٹ معاہدوں کا مقصد سیلاب کے بعد پاکستان کی لچک کو مضبوط کرنا ہے یورپی یونین کی مدد سے پاکستان کیلیے 2022 کے سیلاب کیلیے مجموعی ردعمل 930 ملین یورو سے زیادہ ہو گا. سیکرٹری اقتصادی امور کا یورپی یونین کی حمایت کا شکریہ ادا. سیلاب سے متاثرہ علاقوں میں ترقیاتی شراکت داری کی ضرورت پر زور. پاکستان اقتصادی بحران اور سیلاب سے بحالی کے مشکل مرحلے میں ہے، لیکن ہم پاکستان کے ساتھ ہیں اور انسانی حقوق کی احترام کرتے ہیں مخصوص طور پر خیبر پختونخوا اور بلوچستان میں معیشتی ترقی کیلئے سیلاب کے متاثرہ علاقوں میں خصوصی توجہ. پاکستان میں انسانی حقوق، صنفی مساوات اور سول سوسائٹی کیلئے مزید سرمایہ کاری کی گئی. یورپی یونین کا تعاون پاکستان کے مختلف علاقوں میں بڑھایا جائے گا یورپی یونین کی مدد...
Mushahid Hussain elected Vice President of IPU Human Rights body

Mushahid Hussain elected Vice President of IPU Human Rights body

Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, who represents Asia in the Committee of Human Rights for Parliamentarians (CHRP) of the Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU), was unanimously elected as Vice President of the Committee at it’s meeting in Geneva. Ms Millie Odhiambo of Kenya was elected as President. Senator Mushahid Hussain is the first parliamentarian from Pakistan to be elected to a high level office of a key body of IPU, which is a global organisation representing the world’s parliaments. Two years ago at the IPU General Assembly in Rwanda, Senator Mushahid Hussain was elected as Member of the CHRP, the only Asian in this important 10-member Committee. Senator Mushahid Hussain, who is member of the Senate Human Rights Committee, served as Leader of the Pakistan Delegation to the United Nati...
British High Commissioner visits UK-supported solar farm helping tackle climate change in South Punjab

British High Commissioner visits UK-supported solar farm helping tackle climate change in South Punjab

British High Commissioner, Jane Marriott CMG OBE, has seen first-hand how UK partnerships with Pakistan are leading the global transition to green energy. The Atlas Solar Farm, supported by the UK government’s development finance institution British International Investment, provides an additional 100 MW of clean and affordable power to over 100,000 residential consumers. In turn, this helps them to avoid 106,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum. British High Commissioner Jane Marriott CMG OBE said: “Pakistan has immense potential to be a leader in solar, which could power the whole country. The UK is already investing in this innovation, playing a key role in a healthier more sustainable future." While in South Punjab, the High Commissioner met with development partners, incl...
8th Serena Hotels National Ranking Tennis Championships-2023

8th Serena Hotels National Ranking Tennis Championships-2023

The Pakistan Tennis Federation is pleased to inform you that the 8th Serena Hotels National Ranking Tennis Championships-2023 concluded at the PTF-SDA Tennis Complex, Islamabad. The Serena Hotels Tennis Championships is a very renowned event, held annually as part of their Sports Diplomacy. In the Mens Singles Final, AQEEL KHAN beat MUHAMMAD SHOAIB 6-3,1-6,6-2 and won the Serena Hotels Mens Title. In the Ladies' Singles Final, Sarah Mahboob Khan beat Meheq Khokhar 6-3,6-2 and won the Serena Hotels Ladies' Title. In the Boys Single 14 under Final, Amir Mazari beat Abdul Basit 7-5,5-7,7-5 and won the Serena Hotels Boys Single 14& under Title. Mr. Aziz Boolani CEO of Serena Hotels was the Chief Guest at the Closing Ceremony. Senator Salim Saifullah Khan President-PTF was the Guest of ...