Pakistan forcefully raises Kashmir dispute at the Security Council – Calls on UNSC to Address Root Causes of Conflicts to Establish Durable Peace
United Nations 24 March 2025(Nosheen): Highlighting the need for addressing the root causes of conflicts to establish durable peace, Pakistan has urged the UN Security Council (UNSC) to fulfill its responsibility by ensuring the implementation of its own resolutions on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute.
Reminding that the Jammu and Kashmir dispute remains on the agenda of the Security Council and awaits a just and final settlement in accordance with the relevant resolutions of the Security Council that promised to the Kashmiri people the right to self-determination through a UN supervised plebiscite, Pakistan emphasized that it was the responsibility of the Council to ensure the realization of that right for the Kashmiri people, and promote a just and lasting settlement of the dispute by ta...