Thursday, September 19

Tag: #_The Pakistan Times

4th Meeting of CPEC Joint Working Group on International Cooperation and Coordination

4th Meeting of CPEC Joint Working Group on International Cooperation and Coordination

The 4th meeting of CPEC Joint Working Group on International Cooperation and Coordination (JWG-ICC) was held today in Islamabad. The meeting, which was co-chaired by Foreign Secretary Muhammad Syrus Sajjad Qazi and Vice Minister for Foreign Affairs of China, Sun Weidong, exemplifies the commitment of both countries to foster international cooperation and coordination including on CPEC. The two sides reviewed with satisfaction the progress made since the third meeting of the Joint Working Group held virtually on 21 July 2022. The meeting underscored CPEC's pioneering role in strengthening international and regional connectivity while appreciating the open and inclusive nature of this flagship project. Noting that Pakistan and China were All-Weather Strategic Cooperative Partners and iron...
British High Commissioner visits UK-supported solar farm helping tackle climate change in South Punjab

British High Commissioner visits UK-supported solar farm helping tackle climate change in South Punjab

British High Commissioner, Jane Marriott CMG OBE, has seen first-hand how UK partnerships with Pakistan are leading the global transition to green energy. The Atlas Solar Farm, supported by the UK government’s development finance institution British International Investment, provides an additional 100 MW of clean and affordable power to over 100,000 residential consumers. In turn, this helps them to avoid 106,000 tonnes of CO2 emissions per annum. British High Commissioner Jane Marriott CMG OBE said: “Pakistan has immense potential to be a leader in solar, which could power the whole country. The UK is already investing in this innovation, playing a key role in a healthier more sustainable future." While in South Punjab, the High Commissioner met with development partners, incl...
Sight savers and ITA Strives for Inclusion of Children with Sensory Impairments in Learning Process

Sight savers and ITA Strives for Inclusion of Children with Sensory Impairments in Learning Process

Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi and Sightsavers Host In-Country Dissemination Event for ICAN Pilot Project Idara-e-Taleem-o-Aagahi, in collaboration with Sightsavers and PAL Network, proudly hosted the in-country dissemination event of the pilot project for Inclusive Guidelines of the International Common Assessment of Numeracy (ICAN) for children with sensory Impairment. The event took place at Ramada, Islamabad, marking the successful completion of the field trial pilots in Pakistan using the ICAN tool in 2023, which garnered the prestigious WISE Award. Distinguished guests, including Mr. Mohyuddin Wani, Special Secretary, MoFE&PT, and Dr. Shahif Soroya, DG PIE, along with Zainab Iqbal, Education Specialist, FCDO and Noreen Hasan, Education Specialists at UNICEF, Izzah Farrakh from the...
Pakistan Navy maintains continuous monitoring of maritime situation in the Arabian Sea

Pakistan Navy maintains continuous monitoring of maritime situation in the Arabian Sea

Pakistan Navy is ensuring permanent presence in the Arabian Sea to keep our and international Sea Lines of Communications under intense surveillance. The purpose is to protect Pakistan bound and international shipping traversing through our area. In this regard 2-3 ships are always patrolling the areas on which Pakistan bound and international merchant ships are plying. In addition extensive air surveillance is also being undertaken to ensure the safety of international Sea Lines of Communications passing through our maritime area. Pakistan Navy deployed its ships in wake of the recent maritime security incidents in the Arabian Sea.     Editor: Raja kamran
NDRMF and IRC Pakistan emerge as Strategic Partners for shaping Resilience

NDRMF and IRC Pakistan emerge as Strategic Partners for shaping Resilience

In an attempt to address the challenges of disaster risks and vulnerability faced by Pakistan, the National Disaster Risk Management Fund (NDRMF) and the International Rescue Committee (IRC) have solidified their commitment for enhancing resilience in Pakistan through signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This initiative marks a significant collaboration between NDMRF Pakistan leading public sector entity and IRC a global humanitarian organization. Pakistan faces some of the highest disaster risk levels in the world, ranked 11 out of 193 countries by the 2023 World Risk Report. Pakistan also has high exposure to flooding, including flash, and coastal, as well as exposure to tropical cyclones and drought. The Disaster risk in Pakistan is further exacerbated by its social vulner...


International Exercise BARRACUDA-XII formally commences today at Headquarters Pakistan Maritime Security Agency (PMSA), Karachi. The event started with an impressive flag hoisting ceremony followed by wreath laying on Shuhadas monument. The ceremony was attended by observers from 13 friendly countries and officers of Pakistan Navy and PMSA. Exercise BARRACUDA-XII is scheduled from 02-04 Jan 24 and comprising Harbour and Sea phases. Opening brief of the exercise was held at Karachi. Federal Minister for climate change Ahmed Irfan Aslam graced the occasion as Chief Guest. Foreign Observers and delegations from relevant stake holders also attended the brief wherein the Aims and objectives of Exercise BARRACUDA-XII were highlighted. Moreover, scholarly papers on response of Oil Spill and Se...
بارہویں بین الاقوامی مشق باراکوڈا کا کراچی میں آغاز
Latest, پاکستان ٹائمز

بارہویں بین الاقوامی مشق باراکوڈا کا کراچی میں آغاز

  بارہویں بین الاقوامی مشق باراکوڈا کا ہیڈ کوارٹرز پاکستان میری ٹائم سیکیورٹی ایجنسی، کراچی میں آج سے باقاعدہ آغاز ہو گیا۔ تقریب کا آغاز پرچم کشائی سے ہوا جس کے بعد یادگار شہداء پر پھولوں کی چادر چڑھائی گئی۔ تقریب میں تیراں دوست ممالک کے مبصرین، پاک بحریہ اور پاکستان میری ٹائم سیکیورٹی ایجنسی کے افسران نے شرکت کی۔ بارہویں مشق باراکوڈا 02 تا 04 جنوری 24 تک منعقد کی جا رہی ہے اور یہ ہاربر اور سی فیز پر مشتمل ہے۔ مشق کی افتتاحی بریف کا انعقاد کراچی میں ہوا۔ وفاقی وزیر برائے موسمیاتی تبدیلی احمد عرفان اسلم تقریب کے مہمان خصوصی تھے۔ غیر ملکی مندوبین اور متعلقہ اسٹیک ہولڈرز کے وفود نے بھی بریف میں شرکت کی۔ اس دوران مشق کے مقاصد پر روشنی ڈالی گئی۔ مزید برآں، قومی اور بین الاقوامی مقررین نے تیل کے اخراج اور سمندر میں سرچ اینڈ ریسکیو کے ردعمل پر مقالے پیش کئے۔ اپنے خطاب کے دوران مہمان خ...
An Induction and Operationalization Ceremony was held at an operational base of Pakistan Air Force

An Induction and Operationalization Ceremony was held at an operational base of Pakistan Air Force

General Syed Asim Munir, NI (M) Chief of Army Staff, attended the distinguished ceremony as the Chief Guest. Upon his arrival at the base, Chief of Army Staff was received by Air Chief Marshal Zaheer Ahmed Baber Sidhu, Chief of the Air Staff, Pakistan Air Force. The ceremony showcased the newly inducted weapon systems and defence assets of PAF. Upon his arrival, a smartly turned-out contingent of Pakistan Air Force presented Guard of Honour to the COAS. During his speech CAS highlighted the latest inductions in the PAF's arsenal comprising of J-10C fighter jets, air mobility platforms, modren Radars, Unmanned Aerial Systems, Loitering munition capabilities and Long Range Vectors which have significantly bolstered the aerial defence capabilities of the country. CAS also mentioned that ...


The dependence of mankind on sea, its resources and environment has increased manifold in todays globalized world. The corresponding upscale in maritime activities is threatening marine environment. Mercantile traffic accounting for more than 90% of global trade carries along a perpetual danger of marine pollution through oil/chemical spills during collusion/ groundings and port operations. Timely and effective containment of such pollution requires regular rehearsals of response options besides coordination among all stakeholders. Likewise, being Regional Coordinator of Search and Rescue (SAR) setup of IMO, maritime services of Pakistan are required to coordinate and respond to distress situations at sea where human life and property is at risk. In this context, Pakistan Maritime Secur...