Tuesday, February 4

Tag: Non-communicable diseases are alarmingly on the rise in Pakistan

Non-communicable diseases are alarmingly on the rise in Pakistan

Non-communicable diseases are alarmingly on the rise in Pakistan

Non-communicable diseases are alarmingly on the rise in Pakistan. 1100 people dying daily due to diabetes and its complications, over 300 limbs removed every day. Pakistan has 3rd highest burden of people living with diabetes with 33 million diabetics, apart from this 10 million people are pre-diabetic. Without immediate policy action number of people living with diabetes will increase to 62 million by 2045. Consumption of If modifiable risk factors of these diseases are controlled, the spread of these diseases can be reduced to a great extent. Ultra-processed food and beverage products are being particularly high in sugar, salt and/or trans-fats. Increasing taxes on these products is an evidence based strategy to reduce their consumption and the associated health risks. Parliamentarians a...