Friday, March 14

Tag: in collaboration with UNDP Pakistan and the Islamic Development Bank

Prime Minister youth loan scheme distributed Rs 83.6 Billion to young entrepreneurs of Pakistan

Prime Minister youth loan scheme distributed Rs 83.6 Billion to young entrepreneurs of Pakistan

The Commonwealth Secretariat, in collaboration with UNDP Pakistan and the Islamic Development Bank, announced the launch of the highly anticipated report titled "The State of Youth Entrepreneurship in Pakistan". This groundbreaking report provides important insights into the current entrepreneurial landscape in Pakistan and offers practical recommendations for developing a vibrant and inclusive ecosystem for young entrepreneurs. The launch event at Islamabad also included a keynote speech by Rana Mashhood Ahmed Khan, Head of Prime Minister's Youth Programme. Khan praised the report's efforts and highlighted the government's continued support for youth entrepreneurship in Pakistan. Rana Mashood Ahmed Khan in his speech outlined the innovative measures taken by the Prime Minister's ...