Saturday, March 15

Tag: Health Activists urged Government to Prevent Export of Kiddie Packs to Safeguard Youth Health Islamabad

Health Activists urged Government to Prevent Export of Kiddie Packs to Safeguard Youth Health

Health Activists urged Government to Prevent Export of Kiddie Packs to Safeguard Youth Health

The Society for the Protection of the Rights of the Child (SPARC), together with health activists, has expressed a deep concern over a proposal by Tobacco Industry that seeks to alter Pakistan's tobacco control regulations. This proposal by tobacco industry aims to allow the manufacture and export of 10-stick cigarette packs, commonly referred to as ‘kiddie packs.’ This move could have far-reaching implications for public health both within Pakistan and in other countries. The negative impact of this proposal on both Pakistani and Sudanese children was described in this way “The introduction of 10-stick cigarette packs, often referred to as ‘kiddie packs,’ poses a serious risk to young people. These smaller, more affordable packs increase the likelihood that children and adolescents will s...