Monday, March 10


Prime Minister Imran Khan visits Anti-Narcotics Force Headquarters

Prime Minister Imran Khan visits Anti-Narcotics Force Headquarters

By Raja kamran Prime Minister Imran Khan visited the Anti-Narcotics Force Headquarters Rawalpindi. Federal Minister for Drug Control Azam Khan Swati and DG ANF Major General Muhammad Arif Malik, Hilal Imtiaz (Military) received the Prime Minister. The Prime Minister laid flowers at the Martyrs' Memorial and recited Fateha after which he inaugurated the new ANF building. The Prime Minister was also given a tour of the ANF Headquarters building. The DG ANF gave a detailed briefing to the Prime Minister on the ANF's operations to curb drug trafficking. During the briefing, the DG ANF briefed the Prime Minister on the international and regional situation of drugs and its harmful effects on the society, ANF's strategy and ensuring the establishment of a drug-free society, issues and...
NCOC Meeting

NCOC Meeting

By Raja kamran NCOC morning session in progress. Chief secretaries joined morning session through video link. Forum is being apprised on national positivity ratio, measures taken by federating units for SOPs compliance week and most importantly detailed review of critical requirements during 2nd wave of pandemicTesting for last two weeks remained over 40 thousands per day .81 % positive cases are from major urban centres. During last week 40 % testing was on contact tracing.4503 smart lockdowns (SLD ) across Pakistan with 1512903 people under these SLDs .Provinces updates on SOPs compliance. NCOC was told that various administrative measures including fines/ closures have been taken for disease containment. Provinces updated NCOC on various activities being taken particularly durin...


By Raja kamran: Recently commissioned Pakistan Navy Ship TABUK, visited Port Aksaz, Turkey on her return passage to Pakistan. The visit was aimed at strengthening bilateral ties, enhancing naval collaboration and interoperability with Turkish Navy. During stay at Port, Pakistan Navy Ship was extended warm welcome by Turkish Naval Authorities. Commanding Officer of PNS TABUK called on Aksaz Naval Base Commander Rear Admiral I. Kurtulus Sevinc and discussed matters of mutual interest. The Commanding Officer conveyed sincere regards of Chief of the Naval Staff Admiral Muhammad Amjad Khan Niazi for the people of Turkey in general and the Turkish Navy in particular. The host Military dignitary acknowledged the Pakistan Navy's contributions in ensuring regional maritime security. The Comm...


By Raja kaman Asean Kalabagh won the 29th Chief of Air Staff Challenge Cup Polo Tournament, which was played at the lush green Islamabad Polo Club. Asean Kalabagh won the final match by defeating PAF Blue with seven to four & half goals. Air Marshal Aamir Masood, Deputy Chief of the Air Staff (Training), Pakistan Air Force was the Chief Guest on the occasion. He gave away prizes amongst the players and awarded the CAS Challenge Polo Cup to the winning team. The tournament commenced on 30 November, 2020 and 05 teams (PAF White, PAF Blue, Asean Kalabagh, Dominator and Air Eagle Aviation Academy) participated in the tournament. Diplomats, high ranking military & civil officials and polo enthusiasts witnessed the match. CAS Challenge Cup Polo Tournament was introduced in 1985 and e...
Economic indicators show strong performance despite COVID-19 ,  Khusro Bakhtyar

Economic indicators show strong performance despite COVID-19 , Khusro Bakhtyar

By Raja kaman Despite challenges faced on domestic and external fronts, particularly in the wake of the second wave of COVID 19, the key macroeconomic indicators have shown strong performance, Federal Minister for Economic Affairs, Makhdum Khusro Bakhtyar said here Sunday. “The Key economic indicators are showing strong performance despite challenges posed by second wave of COVID 19 and depressed economic conditions that encircled globally,” he said. In a detailed statement on state of economy, the minister said that the current account imbalances inherited from previous government stood firmly addressed while the economic performance was remarkable in the context of sharp growth contraction worldwide. He said that the government was confident that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) would...
28th Anniversary of demolition of Historic Babri Masjid by Hindu zealots of RSS-inspired BJP

28th Anniversary of demolition of Historic Babri Masjid by Hindu zealots of RSS-inspired BJP

By Raja kaman Today is a sad reminder of the demolition of the historic Babri Masjidin India. On this day, 28 years ago, Hindu zealots of the RSS-inspired BJP, backed by the state apparatus, demolished the centuries-old Mosque in Ayodhya in an abominable act of anti-Muslim frenzy and blatant violation of religious and international norms. The painful scenes of the demolition of Babri Mosque in 1992 still remain fresh in the minds of not only Muslims but all conscionable persons in the world. The new illegitimate structure, which the Hindutva-driven BJP has campaigned for and is bent upon constructing as part of its agenda of converting India into a ‘Hindu Rashtra’, is a scar on the face of so-called “largest democracy” in the world. The flawed judgment of the Indian Supreme Court in t...
How a blow to Australian wine shows tensions with China

How a blow to Australian wine shows tensions with China

Imagine, just for a second, the Australian wine industry as a bottle shop. For decades it had loyal customers overseas - old friends from the UK and the US partial to an antipodean drop. Then a few years ago, a new customer walked in who began eyeing up the reds. Soon, not only were they spending double the other customers, but they were buying the high-end stuff, preferring the premium vintages. China - this top customer - has bought close to 40% of Australia's wine exports in the past few years. In 2019, China bought more bottled wine from Australia than it did from France. After an intense few years of marketing and trade deals, this love affair with Australian winegrowers was fizzing along nicely. Then last week it was corked in...
Politicians urge people to buy Australian wine in defiance of China

Politicians urge people to buy Australian wine in defiance of China

Politicians from various Western countries have asked consumers to buy Australian wine in order to fight back against China's punitive tariffs on the beverage. China is the most important export market for Australian wine, and winemakers are scrambling to find new markets following Beijing's decision to slap tariffs of up to 212% on Australian wine imports amid an escalating trade war between the two nations. Now a number of public figures associated with the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC), which calls itself "an international cross-party group of legislators working to reform the approach of democratic countries to China," have called on consumers to stand up to Beijing. "We are asking you all to join us in standing against Xi Jinping's authoritarian bullying," said...
Chinese coal miners killed by carbon monoxide poisoning

Chinese coal miners killed by carbon monoxide poisoning

Chinese state TV says 18 miners have died and five others are missing after a leak of carbon monoxide gas at a coal mine in the south-west of the country. One person was rescued from the Diaoshuidong mine in Chongqing municipality, broadcaster CCTV reported. An investigation has been launched into the incident, which happened on Friday. Mining accidents in China are not uncommon and are often due to poorly enforced safety regulations. According to CCTV, the gas leak at the Diaoshuidong mine happened while workers were dismantling underground equipment. The mine had been closed for the previous two months. image captionEmergency teams have assembled outside the Diaoshuidong mine In September, 16 workers were killed at another mine on the outskirts of Chongqing when a conv...
Tried And Tested: Celebrity Beauty Products That Actually Work

Tried And Tested: Celebrity Beauty Products That Actually Work

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