Thursday, October 24

UN Day and Pakistan Contribution to UN its inception, Pakistan has been an active and committed member of the United

Nations, embodying the principles of multilateralism, diplomacy, and international, Cooperation. The theme The Future We Want the UN We Need Reaffirming Our Collective Commitments to Multilateralism” resonates deeply with Pakistan’s foreign policy, which is rooted in the principles of cooperation, peace, and sustainable development.

In an increasingly complex and interconnected world, Pakistan recognizes the importance of global solidarity to achieve the goals of peace, security and prosperity for all. Pakistan’s most significant contributions to the UN is its longstanding role in peacekeeping operations.

As one of the largest troops contributing country, Pakistan has been involved in various UN missions in some of the most dangerous conflict zones. This unwavering commitment reflects Pakistan’s belief in the UN ability to prevent conflicts, protect civilians and maintain peace through collective efforts. Pakistan has consistently emphasized the need for peaceful resolution of disputes, especially through diplomatic
channels and under the umbrella of the United Nations as it continues to advocate for the resolution
of the Kashmir dispute in line with UN Security Council resolutions.

Despite the challenges of shrinking space and giving new forms of in UN Missions, Pakistan
has remained an effective and one of the largest Troops Contributing Countries. Our contingents abroad have played a significant role in normalizing war torn societies, maintaining law & order and enabling successful transition political processes.

With a contribution of more than 235,000 troops in 48 missions and 29 countries, the spirit of sacrifice of Pakistani peacekeepers has been widely acknowledged by leadership at all tiers.

Currently over 2600 Pakistani Peacekeepers are deployed across 7 UN Missions as part of 2 Infantry Battalions, 3 Engineering Companies, 2 Aviation Units, 1, Artillery Battery and 149 Military Staff Officers/ Military Observers.

Pakistan has sacrificed in terms of blood and treasure for world peace and to bring order
to troubled regions of the world: 181 Pakistani Peacekeepers Pakistan’s commitment and
resolve to bring peace beyond borders will continue undeterred against challenge of any magnitude.

Pakistan remains a strong proponent of the UN’s 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Coals (SDCs). As Pakistan faces its own set of steps towards integrating the SDGs into its national development agenda, with a focus on poverty eradication, quality education, gender equality, and clean energy.

Pakistan recognizes that sustainable development is a global goal that Requires concerted efforts from all nations. Pakistan is also an advocate for reforms within the U to make global governance more inclusive and representative of the modern world.

Pakistan stresses the importance of addressing the economic and political imbalances that exist in international institutions. Pakistan advocates a just and equitable reform in member states, not just a few, and our stance aligns with UN’s border vision for a more equitable and just international order. It also highlights the importance of empowering marginalized population and ensuring that the voices of smaller, less developed nations are heard global decision-making processes.

COVID-19 pandemic underscored the need for global cooperation in addressing transnational threats, and Pakistan played a proactive role in calling for equitable access to vaccines and financial support for developing nations. Pakistan supports the idea that no country can tackle global challenges such as pandemics, climate change, or international terrorism alone.

Multilateral institutions like the United Nations provide a critical platform for shared responsibility and joint action and Pakistan remains committed to working with the global community to address these and other emerging challenges.

In conclusion, Pakistan’s pole in the United Nations is a testament to its firm belief in the
power of multilateralism.

As the world faces unprecedented challenges, Pakistan reaffirms its commitment to collective global action, cooperation, and the principles enshrined in the UN Charter It is  through multilateral is that we can build “The Future We Want”and ensure”The UN is indeed making the world a safer, more equitable, and sustainable place for all.

Editor: Kamran Raja