Friday, October 18

The Russian Federation’s ambassador is welcomed by ISSI

The Russian Federation’s ambassador is welcomed by ISSI

The Russian Federation's ambassador is welcomed by ISSI

H.E. Albert P. Khorev, the recently appointed Ambassador of the Russian Federation to Pakistan, made his official visit to the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad (ISSI). The meeting was presided over by ISSI Director-General Ambassador Sohail Mahmood. Others in attendance included Mr. Taimur Khan, Research Associate at CSP-ISSI, Dr. Neelum Nigar, Director of the Centre for Strategic Perspectives (CSP), and Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman of the Board of Governors (BOG) ISSI.

DG ISSI Ambassador Sohail Mahmood greeted Ambassador Khorev with much affection and expressed the hope that the relationship between Pakistan and Russia will only strengthen under his leadership. In addition, he outlined the history of the Institute, its areas of focus, and the initiatives undertaken by ISSI to strengthen relationships between Pakistan and Russia. Both parties expressed pleasure during the conversation on the improving trajectory of bilateral relations between Pakistan and Russia, as well as their cooperation on regional problems and in multilateral forums. The two parties recognised their many areas of overlap and agreed that it was critical to look for new opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration, especially in the areas of commerce, energy, security, and people-to-people interactions. It was emphasised that tight cooperation in venues like SCO strengthens bonds. Pakistan’s desire in joining the BRICS was also discussed, as was Russia’s year-long presidency of the organisation.

In order to create deeper mutual understanding and fortify connections between Pakistan and Russia, it was also decided to undertake initiatives that would aid in fostering stronger engagement between academics, experts in the field, and think tanks on both sides.
As the meeting came to an end, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood gave Ambassador Khorev a group photo and the Institute’s memento from his first visit to ISSI.

Sub-Editor: Arslan