Monday, March 17

The Human Security Institution (THSI) Islamabad

The Human Security Institution (THSI) Islamabad, organized a National Roundtable Conference titled as “Valuing Water and Restoring Forest: Future Strategies for Pakistan.” The roundtable was attended by distinguished speakers hailing from variety of backgrounds, including subject specialists, practitioners, social activist, academicians and public policy experts. Young researchers also participated in the event.
The Director-General THSI, Mr. Rafique Ahmed Qureshi welcomed all the distinguished speakers and thanked them for joining us to celebrate the two most important days related to environment. March 21 is celebrated by United Nations as International Day of Forests” and March 22 “World Water Day”. DG THSI highlighted the need for an integrated approach to tackle the issues related to water and depleting forest cover in Pakistan.
The distinguished speakers engaged in a constructive dialogue and highlighted various issues related to water, and reinforced the need to value it. Also, the experts related to the forest argued the need of introducing advanced techniques and mechanisms to preserve forest and increase the forest cover. The panel also provided different solutions to pertaining issues related to water and forests.
At the end, DG THSI thanked all the speakers for their presence and their valuable suggestions from the floor of THSI.

By Kamran Raja