Tuesday, March 11

The Government should take immediate action to prevent smoking

The government should take immediate action to prevent smoking The Pakistan Times www.thepakistantimes.com.pk In Pakistan already a large number of people and especially youths were suffering from tobacco fatalities, the tobacco industry has brought more new destructive products into the market. We must do all we can to protect our young people from Tobacco from these tactics of the industry. The speakers said this while addressing a conference organized by Pakistan National Heart Association (PANAH) on the occasion of Anti-Tobacco Day, jointly organized by Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology (AFIC) and PANAH. The chief guest of the event was Panah President Major General (Rtd) Masud Ur Rehman Kiani. Among the people who addressed the ceremony were General Masud Ur Rehman Kiani, Major General Naseer Ahmed Samore, Colonel Dr. Shakeel Ahmed Mirza, Dr. Wajid Kayani, Dr. Wajiha Waqar.

The event was hosted by PANAH Secretary General Sana Ullah Ghumman.
Major General Naseer Ahmed Somore said that smoking is a major cause of NCDs. Smoking is also an increasing cause of heart disease in Pakistan. In addition to educating the general public about the dangers of smoking, I am working with policy makers to enact legislation that will allow them to stop smoking. I appreciate the reduction in the prices of harmful health products. He said that we all should work together so that we can eliminate this scourge from our country. General Masoodur Rahman Kayani said that Panah has been trying to save its countrymen from heart and related diseases for the last 40 years. Smoking is one of the leading causes of heart disease, cancer and many other diseases. We are on a mission to educate the nation about the dangers of Tobacco. He said that the short-term solution to stop it is to increase taxes on it and the long-term solution is to ban it through legislation.

General Kiani said that we should have a proper diet, exercise daily and avoid smoking to avoid diseases. Colonel Dr. Shakeel Ahmad Mirza while talking about the harms of tobacco said it is one of the major causes of heart and many other diseases. He said that there has been an alarming increase in heart diseases among children and one of the main reasons for this is parental smoking and second hand smoking. Colonel Shakeel Ahmad Mirza said that Pakistan has become a hotbed of diseases, one of the main reasons for which is the availability of tobacco products at very low prices. Dr. Wajiha Waqar said that we have to protect our children and youth who are the future of the nation from the ravages of tobacco. Panah is working for a great cause which every section of the nation should stand with. Every day AFIC receives patients whose main cause of illness is smoking.

The government should take immediate action to prevent smoking The Pakistan Times www.thepakistantimes.com.pkSanaullah Ghumman said that Tobacco industry’s biggest target is children. The industry pays special attention to educational institutions to acclimatize as many of their children as possible. In stores they are placed exclusively with items that interest children and young people. There is no warning sign on them that these products are harmful to health. He said that the industry claims that it pays taxes of Rs 114 billion annually while the annual expenditure on tobacco-related diseases is estimated at more than Rs 615 billion. This proves that the revenue generated by the tobacco industry is negligible compared to the expenditure on diseases caused by it. Professor Dr. Wajid Ali said that according to the research report of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO), 4 out of every 5 people start smoking under the age of 18 years. After more international studies, it has been proved that the best strategy to prevent smoking is through taxes, so that tobacco can be removed from the reach of the common man.

At the end of the ceremony, General Masud Ur Rehman Kiani presented a resolution urging policy makers to prioritize the health of the nation. The resolution appealed to the government to prioritize public health and tax tobacco and other non-essential products like sugary drinks.

Editor : Kamran Raja