Wednesday, October 16

Tag: Urgent policy measures require to combat the severe crisis of non-communicable diseases in Pakistan.

Urgent policy measures require to combat the severe crisis of non-communicable diseases in Pakistan.

Urgent policy measures require to combat the severe crisis of non-communicable diseases in Pakistan.

Murree 12th Oct. 2024: The prevalence of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) is escalating in Pakistan. Alarming statistics reveal that over 41% of adults in Pakistan are either obese or overweight. Additionally, more than 33 million people are currently living with diabetes, with another 10 million on the verge of developing the disease. Without immediate policy interventions, the number of individuals with diabetes is projected to surge to 62 million by 2045. After every minute one Pakistani experiences a heart attack and after two and half minute, one Pakistani dies due to heart disease. As per International Diabetes Federation, approximately 1100 deaths in Pakistan are attributed to diabetes and its complication, every day. Unhealthy diet is among the major risk factors of heart, diabe...