Wednesday, October 16

Tag: Statement by (Right of Reply) by Muhammad Faheem Third Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN In response to Indian External Affairs Minister’s comments in UNGA

Statement by (Right of Reply) by Muhammad Faheem Third Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN In response to Indian External Affairs Minister’s comments in UNGA
Latest, United Nation (UN), WORLD

Statement by (Right of Reply) by Muhammad Faheem Third Secretary at the Pakistan Mission to the UN In response to Indian External Affairs Minister’s comments in UNGA

Mr. President, I am taking the floor to respond to the remarks delivered by the Minister for External Affairs of India earlier today. It is most ironic that India, which is committing the worst form of state terrorism in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir, while also actively engaging in sponsoring terrorism abroad, is portraying itself as the victim. It is a familiar ploy of all occupiers and colonisers to paint legitimate struggles for freedom and liberation as terrorism. India is failing to grasp the enormity of the indigenous Kashmiri resistance against its stranglehold, and wrongly blaming it on cross-border terrorism. It must introspect and reflect, and immediately implement the Security Council resolutions which provide for the Kashmiris to exercise their right to self-determination. ...