Wednesday, March 12

Tag: Role of Social Media Influencers for Public Health: PANAH Conducts Training Session in Murree

Role of Social Media Influencers for Public Health, PANAH Conducts Training Session in Murree

Role of Social Media Influencers for Public Health, PANAH Conducts Training Session in Murree

More than 2100 die daily in Pakistan due to NCDs. Major causes of NCDs is use of Ultra-Processed Products. Ultra-processed foods are often very high in sugary, salt or trans-fats. Sweet beverages stand out as the primary source of sugar intake in our diet. Pakistan holds the top position globally in terms of the highest prevalence ratio of the diabetes with 33 million people living with diabetes. Approximately 1100 deaths in Pakistan are linked to diabetes and its complications daily. Without swift and decisive action, the number of individuals with diabetes is projected to reach 62 million by 2045. Implementing evidence –based policies, such as increasing taxes on UPPs can effectively reduce consumption and mitigate associated chronic diseases. In response to the alarming rise of obesity ...