Saturday, September 21

Tag: Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit (MALU)

Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit (MALU)

Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit (MALU)

Media Accreditation & Liaison Unit (MALU) Department of Global Communications United Nations, New York • @UNMediaLiaison  • +1·212·963·6934 UN Web TV | UNTV pool operation | UN Journal Time Location Event 10:00 am Security Council Chamber Security Council meeting:Threats to international peace and security 10:00 am General Assembly Hall General Assembly: 42nd plenary meeting Election of members of the Organizational Committee of the Peacebuilding Commission - Item 114 (b) Reports of the First Committee 10:00 am Conference Room 4 Twenty-second session of the Assembly of States Parties to the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court (4-14 December) 1st plenary meeting - Opening of the session ...