Wednesday, March 12

Statement by U.S. Ambassador Blome at the International Conference on Combating Trafficking and Bonded Labor of Women and Girls in Pakistan

Statement by U.S. Ambassador Blome at the International Conference on Combating Trafficking and Bonded Labor of Women and Girls in Pakistan

Statement by U.S. Ambassador Blome at the International Conference on Combating Trafficking and Bonded Labor of Women and Girls in PakistanIt’s a real honor to inaugurate this important conference and I’m particularly pleased by the involvement of PUAN( Pakistan-U.S. Alumni Network). I find members of our alumni network nearly far and wide I go in Pakistan and doing all kinds of important work. And I’m always proud when I see it. mortal trafficking is an shocking and pervasive crime. It deprives millions worldwide of their quality and freedom. It’s a global extremity that touches every country, including Pakistan and the United States. By its nature, the crime of mortal trafficking is frequently hidden from view. While the real figures are hard to confirm, an estimated27.6 million people around the world are victims of mortal trafficking, including millions of women and children. Beyond the detriment to individual victims, trafficking- in- persons also undermines public security, distorts requests, enriches international culprits and terrorists, and is an poke to our universal values. These statistics are intimidating – but we need to go beyond the figures and humanize this peril by understanding the gests of survivors and engaging with those who are laboriously fighting against this international crime. We’ll hear moment from Ansa Noreen – one of the two American experts joining us moment – herself a trafficking survivor. Her story could have ended in tragedy. still, through the coordinated sweats of stakeholders like you, she was ultimately freed, and she stands before you moment as a inexhaustible advocate for trafficking victims. We’re also going to hear from Joseph Salavarria, a retired Special Agent from theU.S. Department of Homeland Security. He has further than 20 times of felonious investigative experience concentrated on mortal trafficking and mortal smuggling.Mr. Salavarria will partake his moxie on the efficacity and necessity of stakeholder collaboration in addressing this international crime. In the United States, we follow the extensively used “ 3P ” paradigm — execution, protection, and forestallment – and I’m glad to see that it’s universalized then as well — to combat mortal trafficking worldwide. In addition, the Department of State employs a “ 4th P ” — for cooperation — as a reciprocal means to achieve progress and matriculate all parts of society in the fight against mortal trafficking. TheU.S. Embassy’s ongoing entitlement program with the Sustainable Social Development Organization is a testament to the effectiveness of meaningful hookups between civil society and the public sector, demonstrating how we can expand mindfulness, influence moxie, and grease creative results when we work together. The risk of mortal trafficking is borne disproportionately by its survivors; still, it would be a mistake to dismiss the impact it has on all of society. mortal trafficking erodes the rule of law, the safety of our communities, the security of our borders, and the strength of our frugality. The inflexibility and pervasiveness of this issue demands our collaborative action. Working together — through government, business, and civil society is essential in our common trouble to produce a fairer and further indifferent world. We’re making progress, but there’s still a lot of work remaining to do. Through this conference, I hope to see hookups develop and openings for farther collaboration explored. Together, we can increase mindfulness of the pitfalls and consequences of mortal trafficking, strengthen Pakistan’s capacity to identify and probe trafficking crimes, and share stylish practices in aiding and guarding survivors. TheU.S. Embassy and theU.S. Government is committed to supporting Pakistan’s sweats in addressing this critical mortal rights issue. So thank you everyone for being then moment. Shukria!

Sub-Editor: Ghufran