Wednesday, March 12

Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on General Election 2024

Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on General Election 2024

Statement by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on General Election 2024We’ve taken note of statements by several countries and associations regarding general choices to be held in Pakistan on 8 February 2024. We’re surprised by The negative tone of some of these statements, which don’t take into account the complications of the electoral process, nor fete the free and enthusiastic exercise of the right to bounce by knockouts of millions of Pakistanis.

These statements ignore the inarguable reality that Pakistan held peaceful and successful general choices, while at the same time facing serious security pitfalls arising substantially from foreign- patronized terrorism. Some statements aren’t indeed true. There were no civil internet shutdowns. Only mobile services were suspended for the day to avoid a terrorist incident on advancing day.

The election demonstrated that the enterprises of numerous observers were lost. Pakistan holds choices as part of its commitment to erecting a stable and popular society. While we appreciate our musketeers ’ formative advice, making negative commentary indeed before the election process is complete is neither formative nor objective.

Pakistan will continue its sweats to make a vibrant republic. Every election and peaceful transfer of power brings us near to this thing. We do this not because of the enterprises of others but because this is the aspiration of our people and the vision of our founding fathers.

Editor: Raja Kamran