Thursday, October 24

SIF Media Meetup Stresses Enhanced Collaboration for Effective Disaster Response in Pakistan

SIF Media Meetup Stresses Enhanced Collaboration for Effective Disaster Response in Pakistan
The Pakistan Times
Islamique France (SIF) Pakistan Mission organized a successful Media Meetup, bringing together media professionals and representatives to discuss the crucial role of media in disaster reporting and response. The event aimed to strengthen partnerships between media and NGOs for better disaster response in Pakistan.

Key points of discussion are Increased cooperation between media and NGOs for enhanced disaster reporting and response, Media’s role in policy shaping and collaboration for greater visibility and beneficiary reach Accessibility issues in remote areas, including Balochistan, Need for pre-disaster reporting and training reporters in disaster journalism, Data sharing and validation, Risk area identification and support for climate-hit communities Awareness and pre-planning, Coordination and data authenticity, Media access and security

The meetup concluded with a consensus on the need for closer collaboration between media and humanitarian organizations to improve disaster response and build resilience in Pakistan’s most vulnerable communities.

Action items include are Improving coordination between media and NGOs, Enhancing pre-disaster awareness and reporting, Validating and sharing data responsibly,  Conducting training and simulation exercises for journalists, Ensuring inclusive and meaningful project implementations in vulnerable areas.

Sub Editor: Ghufran