Wednesday, March 12

Message of Ambassador Munir Akram , Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN On the Independence Day of Pakistan 2023

Message of Ambassador Munir Akram , Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN
On the Independence Day of Pakistan 2023

Today, we are celebrating the 76th Independence Day of Pakistan.

The foremost sentiment on this day should be the sentiment of gratitude. We must offer our gratitude to Almighty Allah and to the Quaid-e-Azam and others who fought and sacrificed for Pakistan. Without Pakistan, we, our children and their children would not be able to live in freedom; free to practice our Faith; free to express our view; free to enhance our prosperity, as a sovereign people.

The foresight of Quaid-e-Azam in advancing the rationale for the creation of Pakistan is being emphatically validated today in the repression of Muslims in India.

Freedom is never free. Our founding fathers faced vigorous opposition and secured Pakistan through determination, resolve, wisdom and democratic struggle. Hundreds of thousands of our brothers and sisters sacrificed their lives just to reach their promised homeland; to fulfill their dream of nationhood and liberty. We must never forget their heroism; their ideals; and their sacrifice.

Today, as we celebrate our independence, we stand firmly with our Kashmiri brothers and sisters in their struggle for right to self-determination and freedom. We will continue to raise Kashmir’s call for liberation at the United Nations and in all forums.

Pakistan is a resilient nation. In our history we have overcome security and economic challenges with strength and fortitude. This was most visible in the Nations’ response to the massive floods of 2022.

Our Quaid prescribed the principles of unity, faith and discipline as the cornerstones of nation-building. We must work day and night to realize the vision of the Quaid-e-Azam and make our society humane, inclusive, and tolerant for all.

Once again, I wish you all a very Happy Independence Day.

Pakistan Paindabad.


Sub Editor: Ghufran

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