Saturday, March 15

Former federal minister Sheikh Rasheed refused to appear before the NAB investigation team

Former federal minister Sheikh Rasheed refused to appear before the NAB investigation team

Sheikh Rasheed sent a reply letter to the NAB investigation team on the notice of summons. In his letter he said “I have received a call-up notice from NAB to appear before you on 12-09-2023 as a witness to record my statement in respect of investigation of Al-Qadir Trust Case. I had already informed you twice in writing that I have no concern whatsoever with Al-Qadir Trust and I not a witness of the said case. During the Cabinet Meeting dated 03-12-2019 when the item of A-Qadir Trust was presented, I had already left the Cabinet meeting before the said item was taken up. I have no information and evidence with regard to Al-Qadir Trust. Furthermore, I was having strained relations with Shahzad Akbar and was not even on talking terms with him. I have no evidence or document in my possession with regard to Al-Qadir Trust case.
Despite the aforesaid clear replies to your notices, you have again issued identical notice with same contents which is not only un-called for but also amounts to cause harassment to me. Presently, a wave of political victimization is in full swing against the political opponents and I am also victim of the said political victimization. Although, there is no case against me yet police raids are frequently conducted at my residences and also in the houses of my relatives and friends thus my liberties and movements have been curtailed on account whereof I am unable to personally appear before you, therefore, the instant written reply is being sent to you for your consideration. Even earlier I have informed you twice in writing that I am not the witness of Al-Qadir Trust case nor I have any information about the same therefore, issuance of repeated notices to me are un-justified and illegal.
In view of above, you are requested to withdraw the notice under reply.”

Editor: Raja Kamran