Wednesday, March 12

COAS congratulates the entire Pakistani Nation on successful conduct of General Elections 2024

COAS congratulates the entire Pakistani Nation on successful conduct of General Elections 2024

COAS congratulates the entire Pakistani Nation on successful conduct of General Elections 2024

COAS congratulates the entire nation of Pakistan, the interim government, the Election Commission of Pakistan, the political parties and all the winning candidates for successfully holding the 2024 general elections. The free and unhindered exercise of his right to vote by the people of Pakistan demonstrates his commitment to democracy and the State. of the law as stipulated in the Constitution of Pakistan. The leaders and staff of law enforcement agencies deserve the highest gratitude for creating a safe and secure environment for the election process, despite overwhelming obstacles. The constructive role of the national media, civil society, members of the civil administration and judiciary helped successfully conduct the largest election exercise in the nation’s history. family.
Pakistan’s political diversity and pluralism will be clearly represented by a unified government comprising all democratic forces imbued with national goals.Elections and democracy are means to serve the people of Pakistan, not the end. The nation needs steady hands and healing to move away from anarchic and polarized politics that are unbecoming of a progressive country of 250 million people. Elections are not a zero-sum contest between wins and losses, but rather a contest to determine the power of the people. Political leaders and their workers should rise above their personal interests and combine their efforts to govern and serve the people, which is perhaps the only way to make the people The owner is efficient and helpful.
Since the people of Pakistan have placed their collective faith in the Constitution of Pakistan, it is now incumbent upon all political parties to respond with political maturity and unity.As we move towards this national stage, we must reflect on the current situation of the country and its place in the harmony between nations. COAS hopes that these elections bring political and economic stability and prove to be a harbinger of peace and prosperity for our beloved Pakistan.

Editor: Raja Kamran