Sunday, March 16

British Army Chief of General Staff to visit Pakistan for five days

British Army Chief of General Staff to visit Pakistan for five days

British Army Chief of General Staff to visit Pakistan for five days. British Army Chief of General Staff General Patrick Sanders. He is arriving in Pakistan today on a five-day visit. The visit is taking place under the long-standing defense agreement between Pakistan and the UK. General Patrick Sanders will meet with Chief of Army Staff Pakistan General Asim Munir. General Patrick will also participate in other defense related meetings and activities.

The warmth and breadth of Pak-UK defense relations and friendship based on shared history and the UK-based foreign nationals are of special importance to the UK. Pakistani officers receive training at Britain’s Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, the Advanced Command and Staff Course and the Royal College of Defense Studies. General Sir Patrick Sanders is visiting Pakistan almost a year after the devastating floods in Pakistan. As a result of the flood, one-third of the country was submerged and more than three million people were affected. The British Ministry of Defense assisted in the relief operations, and provided eight boats and ten portable generators at the request of the Pakistan Army Chief. Defense cooperation to combat climate change will also be discussed during the visit.

Editor: Raja Kamran