Wednesday, March 12

Under the new hybrid technique of warfare, anarchy is systematically spread in the target country

Under the new hybrid technique of warfare, anarchy is systematically spread in the target country

Under the new hybrid technique of warfare, anarchy is systematically spread in the target country. Economically, it is destabilized, political chaos is created through fragmentation & confrontation, state institutions are divided so that they cannot play their role, distrust between citizens and institutions is engineered. People’s faith in the state and its institutions is shaken, then a civil war is created in the country and thus the country implodes from within. In this game, catchy slogans and hateful ideas are used. Such leaders are nurtured who can instil hate & accentuate polarisation for destabilising the country.

Lets evaluate with cool mind the situation of our country & the politics of Imran Niazi. His politics has been based on hate since day one. Imran Niazi shattered the unity that had once been created in the country by the Judges’ movement for the rule of law & worked to destroy public confidence in civil institutions & leadership through the power of propaganda by labelling everyone as corrupt. He was aided in this by a section of establishment. He destroyed CPEC, he brought Pakistan’s economy to the brink of bankruptcy.

By pursuing polarised politics he managed to create worst confrontation & division in the society, media, judiciary. Only one institution is left united whose discipline is its hallmark. If you analyze Imran Niazi’s politics for some time now, he has very skillfully tried to target military & the relationship between the armed forces and the people of Pakistan. He is looking to create the kind of division he has created in the Judiciary. The tragic events of May 9 are proof of this. PTI’s social media has become a hub for fake news to create rifts in the armed forces. Enemies of Pakistan desire to create Sudan like situation in Pakistan through Imran Niazi. Pakistan is a nuclear power. No one can conquer it by war. The Soviet Union was also a nuclear power, it was destroyed not by war but by internal weakening. The people of Pakistan must open their eyes and thwart this conspiracy. Our unity is our strength. Federal Minister of Planning and Development Ahsan Iqbal.

Editor: Raja Kamran