Tuesday, March 11

U.S.- funded Musical Exchange Program BringsU.S. and Pakistani Artists Together

U.S.- funded Musical Exchange Program BringsU.S. and Pakistani Artists Together

U.S.- funded Musical Exchange Program BringsU.S. and Pakistani Artists TogetherDCM Andrew Schofer said, theU.S. Embassy is proud to have supported this time’s FACE Music Mela Festival andU.S. artists visiting Pakistan as part of a artistic exchange program. TheU.S. Embassy is recognized to mate with original associations to promote Pakistan’s extraordinary musical heritage – and inoculate it with American musical notes. TheU.S. Embassy- supported “ ArtEngage ” program aspires to save and also blend Pakistani and American music. American musicians Evan Hatfield, Bryce Lamar, and Lis Viegas have travelled to Pakistan under aU.S.- funded exchange program to engage with Pakistani artists through cooperative performances. Support for the performing trades reflects theU.S. values of forbearance and respect for diversity. Since the 1940s, the United States has supported artistic exchange programs that shoot American artists abroad and bring musicians from other countries to the United States. Music transcends geographic or political boundaries, creating common ground for people around the world, DCM Andrew Schofer.

Sub-Editor: Ghufran