Saturday, September 21

The mysterious death of Pakistan’s most dangerous enemy in Afghanistan – the biggest terrorist of this decade sent to hell

The mysterious death of Pakistan’s most dangerous enemy in Afghanistan – the biggest terrorist of this decade sent to hell

The foremost enemy of Pakistan and the murderer of innocent civilians, the famous terrorist Sanaullah Ghafari aka Shahab-ul-Muhajir died in the city of Kannada, Afghanistan. The slain terrorist was wanted not only in Pakistan but internationally terrorist and his family had migrated from India to Afghanistan

The terrorist belonged to Kabul, Afghanistan. Terrorist received his religious education from the Ghaffari Madrasa in Kabul. The terrorist has been involved in several attacks in Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Pakistan and even Afghanistan. Terrorist Sanaullah Ghaffari was not only the leader of Islamic State Khorasan Province (ISKP) but also the mastermind and head of operations of all operations since April 2020.

In December 2021, the United Nations and the European Union declared him a global terrorist and put him on the sanctions list. The United Nations, the United States and the European Union have declared him a global terrorist and have also put a reward of ten million dollars on his head. Terrorist Sanaullah was designated as the mastermind and operations lead of numerous attacks in Pakistan and around the world.

Among terrorist Sanaullah’s heinous attacks:

Pakistan embassy attack in Kabul.

Imam Bargah Qisa Khwani Bazar Peshawar suicide attack.

Nangarhar – Prison break in Afghanistan. Rocket attacks in Uzbekistan and Tajikistan.

An explosion at Shah Chirag’s mausoleum in Iran.

Mazar-e-Sharif – A suicide attack on the main and largest Ahle-Tashih mosque in Afghanistan.

Suicide attack on the Russian embassy.

Attack on Chinese at Logon Hotel.

Attack on Kabul Airport Afghanistan.

And was central to countless other such attacks.

The US State Department Bureau also revealed in its tweet that terrorist Sanaullah was the most important member of ISIS-K who approved all operations and collected funds for these operations.

Editor: Raja Kamran