Saturday, October 19

Shahid Ashraf Tarar hosts French Ambassador Nicolas Galey, investment opportunities and other matters of mutual interest discussed

Shahid Ashraf Tarar hosts French Ambassador Nicolas Galey, investment opportunities and other matters of mutual interest discussed

Shahid Ashraf Tarar hosts French Ambassador Nicolas Galey, investment opportunities and other matters of mutual interest discussedA meeting was held between Caretaker Minister Shahid Ashraf Tarar and the Ambassador of France to Pakistan H.E. Mr. Nicolas Galey to discuss emerging investment opportunities in transport, rail, and shipping sectors. The caretaker minister highlighted certain projects for investments in Pakistan and said that there are golden opportunities for the French. He added that Sukkur-Hyderabad Motorway (M-6) is an excellent investment opportunity. Similarly, Pakistan Railways is trying to build a route from Kohat to Kharlachi in order to connect with Afghanistan, and French investors are welcome to explore.

French Ambassador H.E. Mr. Nicolas Galey stated that France and Pakistan have a long history of relations and mutual cooperation, and French investors are showing interest in Pakistani projects. A French rail transport company Alstom is setting up its permanent representation in Pakistan and this is a step to boost further investment. He said that he will further encourage French investors and bring huge investments to Pakistan.

The Caretaker Minister said that Pakistan National Shipping Corporation is also expanding its horizon with huge scope of foreign investment opportunities. He concluded by saying that the democratic evolution in Pakistan, that began in 2008, is an ongoing process that ensures stability. The future of investments and business is bright in Pakistan especially with the actualization of the Gawadar Port.

Editor: Raja Kamran