Monday, March 10

ISSI hosts forum on Global Security Initiative( GSI) China’s World View

ISSI hosts forum on Global Security Initiative( GSI) China’s World View 

ISSI hosts forum on Global Security Initiative( GSI) China’s World View

The China Pakistan Study Centre( CPSC) at the Institute of Strategic Studies Islamabad( ISSI) hosted a  forum entitled “ Global Security Initiative( GSI) China’s World View. ” Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, Chairperson Senate’s Standing Committee on Defence, delivered the keynote address. prestigious speakers including diplomats and former and serving high ranking  officers presented their perspectives. The  forum  handed  precious  perceptivity into China’s vision for global security and development and how China wishes to engage with different countries and global associations through this  vital  frame.  Senator Mushahid Hussain Sayed, during his keynote address,  stressed that the Global Security Initiative( GSI) is part of  compound whole i.e., China’s vision of common  fortune, grounded on the conception of inseparable security, UN Charter,  transnational law and five principles of peacefulco-existence, which is in  discrepancy with the cold war, zero- sum mindset. He  stressed that China’s world view is  embedded  in the strategic culture of China and contemporary security  script. He stressed that GSI reflects the strategic  study of China, which is  deduced from  colorful sources and aspects of China’s  public experience including the Silk Road, the Great Wall of China, PLA’s Long March, and “ the century of demotion ” that the country recovered from. He lauded Pakistan’s abiding  fellowship with China, citing  loyal support of both countries for each other’s issues of core interest. He  stressed that the future belongs to connectivity and regionalism, not the Cold War. He suggested that the rise of multipolarity necessitates multinational approach to global security issues, including  estimable  enterprise like GSI.  In his welcome  reflections, DG ISSI Ambassador Sohail Mahmood  underlined the  significance of China’s flagship Belt and Road Initiative( BRI) that has been a global, innovative and successful adventure of China laying down a comprehensive  frame for cooperation and development. He added that President Xi Jinping has since  consecutively proposed three other major global  enterprise,  videlicet the Global Development Initiative( GDI), the Global Security Initiative( GSI), and the Global Civilisation Initiative( GCI).  Ambassador Sohail Mahmood  stressed how these  enterprise not only indicate the depth of President Xi’s thinking and vision as part of his  gospel of  erecting a “ Community with a Shared Future for humanity ” but also illustrate China’s readiness to engage encyclopedically in three  vital  disciplines for humanity, that is, development, security, and civilization. In the background of recent global and indigenous developments, Ambassador Sohail Mahmood noted that GDI, GSI and GCI are  imaged to serve as the  structure blocks for a world aspired to be peaceful, prosperous and harmonious. GSI embodies China’s commitment to global peace and development and reflects an entirely different paradigm – prioritizing cooperation over  battle, placing  decoration on  collective respect and  collective benefit, and seeking palm- palm  issues.

Before, Dr. Talat Shabbir, Director CPSC, in his introductory  reflections stated that, the GSI promotes inclusive, multinational cooperation to effectively address challenges. He added that the Global Security Initiative offers a  lamp of stopgap in  moment’s  transnational  geography,  furnishing a comprehensive  frame to attack complex security challenges. By emphasizing common, collaborative, and sustainable security, the GSI fosters collaboration among nations for peace, stability, and global substance.  Ambassador Masood Khalid, Former Ambassador of Pakistan to the People’s Republic of China. in his  reflections  underlined the  significance of GSI and noted that all the principles outlined in GSI are in full consonance with the UN Charter and reflect the  bournes  of countries, and  transnational and indigenous associations. China is steadily progressing towards its  pretensions of development and connectivity and GSI provides a workable  frame for  sculpturing out a new armature for reversing the  prejudiced westernized model for security.  Major General( Retd)Dr. Muhammad Samrez Salik, Former Director General, ISSRA, remarked that in order to understand GSI it’s important to understand the strategic culture and  study of China. He noted that Chinese strategic  study is grounded on benevolence and humane power, acceptance of others, andnon-aggression which sets it  piecemeal from the Western  study. casting up, he noted that the West has ruled the world through technology, frugality and information dominance. While China is doing  veritably well in the first two, in the  sphere of information and narrative-  structure, China needs to pace up its  sweats to  fight propaganda.  Shi Yuanqiang, Deputy Head of Mission, Embassy of People’s Republic of China in Islamabad noted that the contemporary world is witnessing profound changes in the  transnational  geography. The interplay of traditional andnon-traditional security  pitfalls, ascendance  and power- play is rising. He stated that GSI focuses on dialogue over  battle and cooperation over zero- sum  programs. He stressed that GSI is creating space for collaboration and  transnational peace through dialogue. In conclusion,Mr. Yuanqiang appreciated Pakistan’s  sweats in  fighting terrorism and its  part in  tactfulness and agreement in world conflicts.  Mohammad Aamir Khan, Director General( China), MoFA in his  reflections expressed that the GSI is  estimable as it speaks about the rights of the  countries, irrespective of their status as big or small, in the  transnational system. He noted that the challenge of instability has complex  motorists, which aren’t limited to physical security only. He also appertained to the  witnessing indigenous security volatility in Europe and Middle East, rising unilateralism and protectionism. He stressed that security is deficient without  saintship of the people’s right to  tone- determination. He concluded that GSI aims to encourage peace, stability and  transnational cooperation.  In his concluding  reflections, Ambassador Khalid Mahmood, Chairman BoG, ISSI,  underlined that the United Nations was established grounded on principles of security, development and respect for  mortal rights. still, the  important  countries used  proscription for their interests, ignoring the established principles. also, the West has used IMF and World Bank for their dominance in global  profitable affairs. After the9/11 attacks, an interventionist policy was witnessed with interventions in Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya etc. On the  negative, China introduced three  enterprise that  image the  collective respect of  countries and peaceful resolution of conflicts.  The forum was attended by noted academics, experts,  suppose- tank representatives,  interpreters, members of the politic  fraternity and civil society.

Sub-Editor: Arslan