Tuesday, March 11

Honorable Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf inaugurated Photo Exhibition on Islamic Architectural Heritage of Hungary

Honorable Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf inaugurated Photo Exhibition on Islamic Architectural Heritage of Hungary

Honorable Speaker Raja Pervez Ashraf during his address at the Photo Exhibition on Islamic Architectural Heritage of Hungary,  expressed gratitude towards the diplomats of Hungary and Turkey for their valuable support in organizing the event, which enabled the locals to witness and appreciate the Muslim history and its remarkable architecture in Hungary built during Ottoman rule in the country during 16th-17th century.

He further acknowledged the strong relationship between Hungary and Pakistan and emphasized the need to further strengthen it through frequent high-level parliamentary exchanges.

The Honorable Speaker also highlighted that the event was organized as part of the Golden jubilee celebrations of the Constitution 1973, which marked the 50th anniversary of the Constitution on April 10, 2023. The Constitution promotes inclusivity and advocates for developing friendly relations with other countries, especially Muslim nations.

Such events provide a unique opportunity to learn, observe and foster brotherly ties with other Muslim countries.

Editor: Raja Kamran