Wednesday, March 12

Advancing Pakistan Climate Resilience

Pakistan Session
Advancing Pakistan climate resilience through
Catalyzing Innovative SDGs Financing
will be held tomorrow at the United Nations

In partnership with UNDP in Pakistan, the Government of Pakistan will unveil the Climate Investment Portfolio at the Pakistan session of @UNDESA’s SDG Investment Fair 3202.

The Pakistan session of the UN SDG Investment Fair 2023, titled ‘Enhancing Pakistan’s Climate Resilience through Innovative SDGs Financing’, will be held on 19 April 2023 at the UN Headquarters.

The event will highlight Pakistan’s economic indicators, fiscal and public finance challenges and development gaps/needs (including 2022 flood damage and opportunities for the Geneva commitments) and the country’s innovative and climate resilient strategies to address these needs. It will highlight the need to leverage financing. .

Participants will present financial value propositions for climate bonds (private placement), support to the microfinance sector for flexible lending to the most vulnerable countries, potential partnerships with financial sector alliances, and private sector green projects. will present a selected portfolio of Solutions include financing SDG bonds, ensuring equal participation when allocating funds to women and the agricultural sector, and integrated relationships with donors such as development finance institutions (DFIs), investors, and member states to build a climate resilient A fund can be created that will invest in the SDGs.

The event will help engage with potential investors through public-private partnerships and/or private sector transactions to scale up climate-related investment in Pakistan.

Goals Post-Flood Post-Disaster Needs Assessment of Pakistan (2022), Resilient Recovery, Rehabilitation and Reconstruction Framework-4RF (2022), Co-Chair Summary International Conference on Climate Resilient Pakistan, Geneva (2023) and Pakistan MAPPGs are associated with investments. 2023).
Mr. Tariq Bajwa, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Finance; Mr. Hamid Yaqoob, Federal Secretary Finance Division of Pakistan will attend the event exclusively through video link.

The session will be facilitated by Mr. Marco Neto, Director, Finance Sector Hub, UNDP. Assistant Secretary General for Economic Development Mr. Naveed Hanif will deliver the welcome speech.

Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of the Permanent Mission of Pakistan will launch the Pakistan SDG Investor Map.

Kini Wignaraja, Assistant Secretary-General, Assistant Administrator and Director of UNDP’s Regional Bureau for Asia-Pacific; Mr. Tariq Bajwa, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister of Pakistan on Finance; Mr. Hamid Yaqub, Federal Secretary Finance Division of Pakistan; Mr. Haroon Sharif, former Pakistan Minister of State for Investment/Senior Advisor Financing for Development for UNDP Pakistan; And Mr. Syed Mohsin Ahmed, CEO of Pakistan Microfinance Network is among the main participants.

Other speakers include Mr. Muhammad Aurangzeb, CEO and President of Habib Bank Limited of Pakistan, representative of JP Morgan and representative of World Bank Group. The event will conclude with a question and answer session with the participants.

The hybrid session will be held on the 15th floor of the United Nations Secretariat Building from 1730 hrs to 1900 hrs.


Sub Editor: Arslan M