Wednesday, March 12

Gas 74% more expensive, effective from July 2022

Gas 74% more expensive, effective from July 2022

OGRA has approved to increase the price of gas by 74%, after the approval of the federal government; the new prices will be applicable from July 2022. Ogra has issued a decision on the requests of Sui gas companies regarding increasing the price of gas, approved to increase the gas price by 74.42% for Sui Northern and 67.75% for Sui Southern.

According to the OGRA announcement, an increase of four hundred and six rupees and twenty eight paise per mmbtu has been approved for Sui Northern and Rs. Rs seventeen paise, the new price for Sui Southern has been approved to be Rs 1,619 paise per mmbtu.

If the government does not give approval within 40 days, the OGRA decision will be implemented automatically.

Editor: Raja Kamran