Tuesday, March 11

Tag: New York: Pakistan has voiced opposition to the G-4 model for UN Security Council (UNSC) Reform

Statement by Ambassador Munir Akram Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, During the Fourth IGN on Security Council Reform, Model Presented by Group of Four – G-4
United Nation (UN)

Statement by Ambassador Munir Akram Permanent Representative of Pakistan to the UN, During the Fourth IGN on Security Council Reform, Model Presented by Group of Four – G-4

March 07, 2024, New York: Pakistan has voiced opposition to the G-4 model for UN Security Council (UNSC) Reform, as presented by India on behalf of the Group of Four during the IGN meeting. Ambassador Akram criticized the G-4 model, labeling it as undemocratic, unaccountable, and inequitable, asserting that it does not serve its intended purpose. During his remarks at the fourth IGN meeting on the UNSC Reform, Ambassador Akram questioned the rationale and intentions of the G-4 countries in proposing this reform model. He raised concerns about the involvement of aspiring new permanent members in addressing conflicts such as those in Ukraine and Gaza. Thank you, Co-Chair. I would like to start by thanking the distinguished Permanent Representative of India for her very comprehensive i...