Wednesday, March 12

Tag: Dear colleagues

United Nation (UN)

Event on the “Challenges in the realization of the right of self-determination in the contemporary global context” organized by the Permanent Mission of Pakistan at the United Nations, New York

06 February 2024, New York: Statement by Ambassador Munir Akram, Permanent Representative of Pakistan, Dear Colleagues, Friends! Thank you for being here at this event which the Pakistan Mission is hosting on “Challenges in the realization of the right of self-determination in the contemporary global context”. Dear colleagues, as we all know, the right of determination is bedrock of the modern international system. It is a fundamental principle of the UN Charter. It is reflected in both in Article 2 of both the international covenants and is the basis for the Declaration on Decolonization, it is now a peremptory norm of international law as such, and therefore, as we all know this has been the bedrock principle on the basis of which most of our nations, especially those who were under c...